The Solution to Take Advantage of the Superbonus 110% with Our Multidisciplinary Team


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Our professional team is composed of technicians with multidisciplinary skills (architecture, systems, structures) and allows property owners to access the world of the Superbonus 110% and Sismabonus 110% with customized solutions on a case-by-case basis.

We are independent from companies, contractors, and suppliers of components or services; our service accompanies the client from the preliminary phase of verifying access requirements and feasibility study, the presentation of projects to the relevant authorities, to the completion of the work, ensuring control over design choices and the work of the companies, which will be selected based on the needs of each construction site.

We handle Construction Management, site safety, accounting, preparation of Work Progress Reports for the transfer of credit, and all the requirements for energy certification at ENEA.

For more information write to us:


BBA-Architetti & Partners s.r.l.