The Solution to Make the Most of the Superbonus 110% and Energy Bonuses


Infografica%2BSoluzione%2BSuperbonus%2B110 BBA Architetti

Superbonus 110%, Sismabonus, Energy Bonuses at 50%, 60%, 75%; Facade Bonus 90%, credit transfer, invoice discount: the opportunities opened by the DL Rilancio in terms of residential property renovation are many and economically attractive, but definitely not easy for property owners to apply.

To have a clear picture, even for preliminary consultation, one technician is not enough: a comprehensive approach to the subject is needed, which includes the systems, architectural, and possibly structural aspects.

Thanks to its multidisciplinary expertise (systems, architectural, structural design), our team is able to support property owners with a complete technical product to take advantage of the benefits offered by the DL Rilancio.

Our solution provides a clear and effective path that includes:

PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS (document collection, property characteristics, owner’s expectations): In this phase, the directions for the intervention are outlined, and any obstacles or difficulties in accessing the bonuses are identified.

FEASIBILITY STUDY (verification and possible integration of documentation, energy verification, structural verification): In this phase, scenarios are developed to proceed with the selection of the type of intervention and the bonuses to be accessed, accompanied by the economic analysis of the different options.

INTEGRATED DESIGN (architectural, systems, structural): In this phase, the technical design of the chosen interventions is carried out. We assist the client from the preliminary phase to the executive design phase, including the permit phase with the Municipalities and all the relevant Authorities.

IMPLEMENTATION: In this phase, after a tender process, companies and suppliers are identified to carry out the works with the best quality/price ratio. Our team oversees the construction management of all works (systems, structural, architectural) until the completion of the works, along with accounting and progress reports for the relationship with credit institutions.

The process concludes with the completion of the works and the preparation of final certifications and declarations to obtain the tax certification.

For information and further details, send an email: 


BBA-Architetti & Partners s.r.l.