Real Estate Refurbishment Finds Resources in the Incentives of DL Rilancio


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The major theme of real estate refurbishment and the recovery of vast areas of cities characterized by residential buildings constructed in the 60s, 70s, and 80s – the “first suburbs” of most Italian cities – often aesthetically degraded and highly energy-consuming, has become highly relevant again and finally finds the financial tools for implementation thanks to the DL Rilancio and its implementing circulars.

When appropriately applied, the Superbonus 110% and the 90% Facade Bonus (included among the incentives whose tax credit can be transferred) provide the necessary oxygen to proceed with significant interventions on properties.

For years, the research and professional activities of BBA-Architetti have delved into the theme of the aesthetic and energy refurbishment of buildings. The goal we have achieved, and applied in the field with experiments and agreements (click to learn more about the “Florentine Perspectives” experience), is a true know-how approach to sustainable building restyling, offering solutions to improve energy performance through eco-design elements, combining energy efficiency with suitable aesthetic languages for the refurbishment of both individual buildings and the broader area where they are located, aiming to make the urban landscape more contemporary.

Today, the new available resources are an unmissable opportunity, which, if well exploited, could lead to the recovery and enhancement of vast areas of the cities we live in.


BBA-Architetti & Partners s.r.l.